Thursday, June 5, 2008

What's up Guys!

I would like to thanks to everyone for accepting me as your friend. Keep in touch guys. All the best and good luck!. Happy holiday. Teresa you are the best lecturer ever. NICE!


The target market for Starbucks is adults, 35-55 years old, men and women. For several years they don’t really care about packaging and just concentrating on coffee bean itself, where you can find coffee and fill a blank white or tan paper bag with coffee. Now days, they were waking up to the varieties of specialty coffee brands available, with the influence of packaging. That was their first aimed but after recent years Starbucks became popular among youngsters and both sexes. Instead of that they changed to variations in packaging, merchandise colours and design. Starbucks are recognized by their whole bean coffee bags to mugs and drink ware with the consistent use of colour and design. Their packaging is emotionally makes you want to grab a coffee. It is clearly using clean, professional brand look and feel. It is more convenience and positive attributes, starting with freshness, while attractive paper bags does serve the function of holding the coffee. Starbucks continue to see the trend and the packaging came with a higher expectation of the coffee freshness.


Nike, the ‘swoosh’ brand also a strong brand in sports field. Here, the case study is about their packaging for sports equipment. The purpose of Nike packaging is to stand out on the retail shelf compared to other competitors. Two colours with a rich metallic background for uncluttered box is to give an eye-appeal, sophisticated and technology design. While an image of the player created dimension and the feeling of motion. A great graphics and effective brand promotion combined with a clean and simple presentation, which give a good interpretation towards buyers.


Coca-Cola is an established brand for soda drink. How Coca-Cola could survive until today? It is just not about the drinks but the packaging itself plays a major role to attract consumer to buy the product. The strong red colour combined with white fonts, which is applied to all packaging and communication. Until today the branding with red and white fonts has become the trademark to recognize the popular soft drink Coca-Cola. Normally, the cheap brand would duplicate the colour of stronger brand for a better sales, this is to confuse consumer that they buying the recognized brand, while it is not. Positively, it assure that Coca-Cola is a quality brand, which set the standard for other cola brands to choose red. The emotions that can be describe when look at Coca-cola trademark colour is desire of that person to have and taste the drink, in other word is attempting and attraction for the buyers.

Colour in Packaging

Colour in Packaging

To enhance the productivity of the product, retail, marketing and packaging industries are focus on colour, where the sharp attraction for buyer to buy their products. A few elements to influence the consumer expectations such as colour associate with taste or qualities, food matches, target market, etc. The emotionally judgment by consumer according to packaging is really strong, where packaging colour has to provide the attraction and information. Lately, photography plays a major attraction as well for a better view, which in concern of visual clarity and bright colours. In additional, design also can be recognize through the medium that they use like clear symbols and printing material: paper, board, plastics, metal foil, etc. All of the elements will be consider in any aspect of colours until the final delivery.

In packaging, however, the usage of colour can lead customers to make a wild decision, so a bright colour could attract them to stop and recognize the product. Colour is used to make products more appealing and attractive, where psychologically as said before can increase the mood of buying. Basically, the background colour of packaging will reflect the actual colour of the product and stand out, so the suitable colour must be consider first. Furthermore, the colour also a medium to give a specific idea about the product such as white, blue and grey packaging to indicate the freshness and purity, green is for environmental, friendly or relaxation.



It is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. Packaging also a process of design, evaluation and production of packages. The purpose of having packaging is for convenience, portion control, prevention, minimization and reuse. Packaging is important for consumer goods, where it can protect the product, easy to open and usable, stand out to differentiate other product on the shelf and according to consumers appeal. There are three kind of model, which can be apply into packaging:

Aesthetics packaging is more to the look. Design wise, packaging must be easy on the eye of people who see it. The colours, fonts, design features, info of product must not complicate and the main purpose to make it stand out. The problem that can occur is when some design shows a difficult to read typefaces and small type sizes because producing a product may guide with the target market, which it is not suitable for older people to read. In some cases, the lack of visual direction will give a bad impression and weakest point of the packaging. It must be clear and precise enough for all readers. The best example for packaging is Apple product, where they concentrate on clean look, so it is effective and influences people to take a look on the packaging

In the business world, marketers who sells product definitely use packaging for their stuff. The reflection is the third model of packaging, where a good brand for example iPod as a MP3 gadget, will be adopt by other competitors to give a great competition. The reason of doing it is because a good brand will have their own trademark, to remind the consumer of the brand, where people can recognize each product from that particular brand. Coca-cola is the best answer of all products in this world. They have a strong identity of their own.

The second consideration after aesthetics is usability. If the packaging has a brilliant design, images, colours and fonts, it just a waste if the package couldn’t be open in proper way. Designers must consider the results of making difficulties of the packaging, so to avoid the mistakes; a proper sketch and measurement might help while a mock up to ensure the effective packaging.

Colour emotion

Colour emotion

The connection of colour and emotion is very strong. In our daily life colour play a major role for some emotions and feelings for every human. The colour emotion in a simplest fashion, as the relationship between colours and the viewer’s psychological responses. For example, "warm" and "active" is to describe characteristics of colours but not to describing human emotions such as " this is ‘warm’ colour" but we would not say "this colour makes me feel ‘warm’". In other word, colour emotion concerns human emotions whenever they see colours. It can be excitement, happiness or anxiety.

The psychology of colour.

The psychology of colour.

The feelings and emotions are directly affected by the balance and imbalance of hormones in the body. Likewise, certain colours can calm our minds, while others stimulate mental activity. It is not easy to take advantage of psychology of colours in visualization. Using colour to recharged emotional energy will end up with changed perceptions of the world and our experience in life.

To relate colour with psychology is about consideration, which colour are preferred by consumers. A linkage between the two elements can be found according to time, place and culture. It can be describe as one colour perform very different symbolic or psychological functions, at the same time and place for the same culture. For example, red colour is a strong, exciting and a focus attention, also can help overcome negative thoughts but if we have too much red in our system or surrounding, the feeling can be irritable, impatient and uncomfortable.

In China, red is symbolic of celebrations, luck and prosperity, while white is mourning and death. This is the best example of psychology relate to colours in terms of culture. There are four psychological primary colours - red, blue, yellow and green. They relate respectively to the body, the mind, the emotions and the essential balance between these three.

Why colour is important in design?

Why colour is important in design?
The reason of why colour is important because, it convey some emotion towards each product. People will attract to nice colour, which indirectly give a good feelings for them. The most emotionally primary colours appear to be Red and Blue, where red could increased our heart beat and blood pressure, while blue in opposite effect. The colours are typically divided into warm (yellow, red and orange) and cool (blue, green and violet). For example the usage of red colour is to indicate danger, exciting and active, while blue is to release tension, soothing and passive.

In design, the usage of colours is very important to create the feelings according to each design. Designers is responsible with their designs, one of the factor is colours that they choose, which associated with feelings and emotions of people who look at their design. In this industry from designers, companies and manufactures, use colours to create a certain feeling about their products. Market researchers have devoted considerable effort to know which colours are preferred by consumers and how the fashion works in this matter.



Emotion is very subjective to distinguish, sometimes emotions can occur unconsciously. We use emotions to create feelings, which will make some bodily changes such as facial reactions. People often behave in certain ways as a direct result of their emotional, such as crying, fighting or fleeing. How can emotions happen? Some emotions occur over a period of seconds for instance surprise or shock, while others can last for very long time like when you love something.
Our emotions can help us in terms of communication. For example, our facial expressions can convey a wide range of emotions like sad, hurt, happy, uncomfortable, etc. This is the connection between human, so other people will be able to help to understand the important from certain emotions. It also can help to make decision in a valuable source of information.




The Company Identity System (CIS) for Mr Lawrence in Graphic Design class. 'Holler' is the name of my mobile concept shop.

15. Project Notification (
Sent: Saturday, 10 May 2008 8:42:24 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Logo needed
Project ID: 405759
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Our company needs a logo designed. We are looking for a logo that is more of an illustration and not a cartoon. If this is something you can provide please send samples of work. This is something that would need to be done asap.

Again a logo design, which I really like to execute. I can show to them several artwork that I have done before. It is more to illustration and providing the specific company background. I think I can produce a good logo for this company as long as they provide me their company profile as a guidelines. I will go for this job.

14. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Monday, 12 May 2008 3:53:13 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Need Graphic Design for 3M Van Wrapping
Project ID: 406584
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: I am looking for an experienced graphic designer that has a portfolio of vehicles they have designed. I need something loud, exciting and amazing. I'll send you the images. Immediate because the last graphic artist wasted our time.

Graphic for van is a complicated job if you don’t know how to use space and composition. For an effective design a good material could be use such as good quality sticker. To create attention between drivers and pedestrian, a strong colours must be use so then the focus will fall to that vehicle. I would like to try this job design.

13. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Wednesday, 14 May 2008 3:21:17 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Packaging
Project ID: 406921
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Packaging for a new brand of household glove. These gloves will marketed to women in their 20 - 30's and will be packaged in paperboard boxes. I would like the design to be similar to that of packaging design used for cosmetics. These gloves will be marketed to protect hands, keep them looking younger, and help to keep nails strong and healthy. The gloves are also latex-free. I would like the packaging to reflect a Sleek, Sophisticated, modern look, or a nice design.

As clear as the description, I would like to design this packaging for household glove. Sleek, sophisticated, modern and nice design just hit my own design, where I have to do research on cosmetic packaging and apply into this design. Im looking forward to give a good design on this glove.

12. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Thursday, 15 May 2008 3:49:34 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Restaurant Menu Board
Project ID: 407721
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: I am looking for a graphics designer to design a menu layout board that would be printed on lambda duratrans paper. The layout would include food pictures
and have the food items along with space for pricing. Ideal project for a student. Please send quote.

A menu design is quite demanding now days regarding to increasing in food industry and also to change a better design. I’m just a bit confuse on the material that they want to use, "lambda duratrans"? . I suggest to insert a good images of their menu because customer always attracted to what they show and recommend. The layout could be design according to their theme of the restaurant. I can do menu design as I managed to complete my brief for typography class last year.

11. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Saturday, 17 May 2008 4:29:58 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Purposal Letter
Project ID: 408198
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description:Looking for a graphic design artist to put together an artistic proposal sales letter that will be used by our sales team. Need someone that can handle sales content as well as graphic art.

The description is about proposal layout, an effective proposal will lead to a positive impression towards client servicing. It is not easy to win client’s heart, marketing team have to a good proposal and content for a better outcomes. I don’t have passion to do a proposal design but it is a good start for something new. I skip this job.


A project for MEPS in Mr Ken Goh's class. Above is a print ads. The layout prefered to be simple and clean.

10. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Saturday, 17 May 2008 3:05:57 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Packaging design for Ipod Skins
Project ID: 408387
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Seeking talented and experienced design firm to come up with a trendy and
easy to use retail and wholesale packaging concept for our company's product. We are a manufacturer of vinyl protective skins for portable electronics and other related products. We need something unique, modern and at reasonable cost of our budget. The packaging will be model specifics but will keep the same consistency throughout our product lines.

Interesting offer, I’m willing to try, plus I like to do packaging design. To get start with the design they must provide me the details of the product such as theme or preferable their own design. I take this job as it kind of interesting for me.

9. Project Notification (
Sent: Sunday, 18 May 2008 3:24:06 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Children's Birthday Invite - Photoshop
Project ID: 408571
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: I'm creating a childs birthday invitation with the theme of Oscar night.
I am good at desktop publishing, but clueless of photo manipulation. I'd like to superimpose and blend my sons headshot on top of an Oscar statue. I can provide .jpgs. I know this is simple, but I don't have time to learn the techniques in time. Please help!!

Simple and easy to execute… The superimpose need Adobe Photoshop software…I would like to help…Happy Birthday Oscar hehehhe

8. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Monday, 19 May 2008 3:31:56 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Label printing
Project ID: 408730
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Printing labels for a new product to be launched, design is provided.
We need 5000 labels of 150mm wide by 120mm high.

Hmm…I guess this is a printing job…sorry wrong call!

7. Project Notification (
Sent: Wednesday, 21 May 2008 3:22:20 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Law Firm Logo
Project ID: 409648
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: The organization is a law firm specializing in Estate Planning including Living Trusts.
I need the following: Logo
I also need the following: Website Design
Printing Needs: No, I do not need printing.
I will provide the following to the professional: Nothing
The professional must provide the following: Logo
Desired File Format:?
Project Start Date: ASAP
I want to receive project drafts via: CD/DVD/Optical Media, Other
Other way to receive drafts: Drafts by email and final project by email and CD
Payment(s) for this project will be processed via:SafePay Escrow

I love to draft or sketch a logo for company. So I guess it’s easy for me to make it done. A logo for a law firm specializing in Estate Planning and Living Trust, I have to do a lot of research on their business focus so that I can get the best rationale and elements into the logo. No problem with this job. I will do it!

6. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Monday, 26 May 2008 3:38:34 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Direct Mail Piece for Technology Company
Project ID: 410856
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Direct Mail Piece for a technology company providing services to local city governments and social service agencies. Budget for design: $30 (simple front/back design full color)
Direct Mail Piece Type: Postcard
Target Audience: City Governments
Direct Mail Piece Purpose: Increase Market Share, Other
Other Direct Mail Piece Purpose: Invitation to upcoming seminar
Width:7 inches
Height:5 inches
Printing Needs: No, I do not need printing.
I will provide the following to the professional: Concept, Layout, Text/Copy
The professional must provide the following: Colors, Layout
Type of Graphics Needed: Clip Art, Stock Photography, Other
Other Graphic Types Needed: Any other relevation images/photos fine
Desired File Format: AI or PSD or PDF
Project Start Date:5/25/2008
Project Completion Date:6/1/2008
I want to receive project drafts via:'s Work Room, Server Upload, Other
Other way to receive drafts: E-mail
Payment(s) for this project will be processed via: SafePay Invoicing

Additional Specifications for the Project: I'm looking for a direct mail piece to send out to local city governments introducing our company's 2 products as well as inviting them to an upcoming seminar. I'm looking for a simple design that has all relevant content and is eye-catching.

Direct Mail a piece of medium for reminder. According to brief, a postcard size, concept and layout with fonts have to design. Well, Government servant are group of people with serious expression, they like to see a kind of formal layout instead of catchy design. The main purpose is to increase market share. It is an easy but kind of boring job. I guess need to be formal type. I would rather to skip this job. Yikes!

The best artwork for 2008

Hei-Tech Padu booth design, which i did with my own idea and it was a great moment so far in my design field. Later!

Komunitiku Komunitimu was the idea of my company. Once again i did the masthead for that event. It such a pleasure for me to have this kind of design. I love DESIGN!

Here, the masthead for Shell V-Power Racing 'Live Viewing Party'. It was my first artwork printed and used by a big client SHELL. Thank you!

5. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Tuesday, 27 May 2008 4:36:00 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: 2 Zip Up Hooded Sweatshirt Designs
Project ID: 411110
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Design 2 graphically intense hooded sweatshirts for Virtue Paintball.
Similar in style to the skate industry (volcom, element, dc etc.)
Target price on the Hoodies is under $15, so all grapchical elements must be planned in a cost effective manner. I have print shops in California and in Mexico, and am open to new places if you have a good source. This is just a starter project. If this goes well, there is full time work available.

Virtue paintball! This is fun, to design a hooded sweatshirts according to the cost. Volcom and Element is a skaters apparel. The design is more to attitude design as a target market is youngsters and young adults 12-28 years old. The fonts and colours can be masculine, this is to create some rough and independent feelings. I like to discover something new in design field, so no harm to try.

4. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2008 6:00:16 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Department "public service" posters
Project ID: 387447
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Description of Organization: Large -- 150 people total -- anesthesiology department comprised of residents (physicians still in training), their physician supervisors (attending), tech's, etc. When residents bring patients to the intensive care unit (ICU) or recovery area, they often leave the patient with equipment such as pumps, cables, etc. running down the supplies in the operating rooms (OR's.) I want to give each resident a poster or flier encouraging them to bring back to the OR the same equipment that left with the patient.
I need the following: Poster Design/Layout
Target Audience: residents
I will provide the following to the professional: Concept, Text/Copy
The professional must provide the following: Colors, Graphics, Layout, Logo
Type of Graphics Needed: Clip Art, Original Illustrations/Graphics, Stock Photography
Printing Needs: No, I do not need printing.
Desired File Format: word docs
Project Start Date: 3/12/2008
Project Completion Date: 3/19/2008
Payment(s) for this project will be processed via: SafePay Escrow

Additional Specifications for the Project: I would like one or two small posters,
perhaps referring to a 1950's or 60's public service announcement style. Nothing too serious. I will upload some concepts. Equipment that is being left in our ICU's and recovery areas or post-anesthesia care unit's (PACU's) include IV poles, transport monitors (with heart rate, EKG and blood pressure information displayed on them), EKG cables, medicine infusion pumps, arrest bags, etc.) I can provide photos of these but can't upload them now for some reason.

The job requirement is a bit complicated and not interesting. It is about giving a reminder and encouraging towards the hospital staffs to bring back the hospital equipment that left with the patients. Design wise, a poster or flyers, colour scheme and layout referring to 50’s or 60’s public announcement. I think pastel colours like light brown with a black and white clip art would be the best solution in terms of design, while the layout may have lots of information about the hospital equipment. I reckon to have a poster rather than flyers. This can be done in a week!

3. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Wednesday, 12 March 2008 4:35:57 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Update my postcard
Project ID: 387803
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description: Small job of updating our postcard.
We need post card to be able to print in 5 1/2' x 8 1/2" in excellent quality format.
We need coupon changed to: Have your living room deep cleaned for only $20, Includes Scotchgard and Sanitizer.
Please see attached. Need it done soon.

A postcard design, kind of easy to do but they need to specify more info about their postcard details. How they want it to be look like?. I would try to give my creativity in doing postcard design. Cheers!

2. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Thursday, 13 March 2008 5:29:05 AM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Green Ghost
Project ID: 387420
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

Description of Organization: Transogram is a collectible toy company.
Designs Needed: Single
Products Involved: Vinyl Designer Toy
Target Audience: Adults - 25-35 years old
Dimensions and Layout:15" x 10" x 10"
Printing Needs: No, I do not need printing.
I will provide the following to the professional: Graphics, Text/Copy
The professional must provide the following: Colors, Concept, Graphics, Layout, Logo
Type of Graphics Needed: Original Illustrations/Graphics
Desired File Format: psd
Project Start Date: 3/10/2008
Project Completion Date:4/7/2008
I want to receive project drafts via: CD/DVD/Optical Media
Payment(s) for this project will be processed via: SafePay Invoicing
Additional Specifications for the Project: Innovative packaging design for a designer vinyl toy.
Reference vintage toy in a fresh way.


The brief above is about packaging design for a toy company named Transogram. According to the description, it kind of simple tasks but yet I have to look on market demand such as how packaging influence consumers and how to get an attraction as it going to be on the shelf with other products. Sometime packaging would give a big impact on target market. I guess to make a good packaging designer must know how to create a nice design related to the theme. As requirement designer must have a rationale for the colours, concept, graphics, layout and logo. This is to explain and cross-check the elements to apply in.

1. Project Notification

From: (
Sent: Thursday, 13 March 2008 4:08:59 PM
Profile ID: 823365 matches...
Title: Postcard Design
Project ID: 388247
Category: Graphic Design / Presentations / Multimedia

I am in need of a postcard project. One side will be a glossy photography with a small slogan. The back will be all text with room for the stamp and address to be mailed.
I will have a mockup ready by Friday 3/14.
When placing bids keep in mind I would like the project finished by early next week.
You will need to upload final project in any of the following file types. TIF .JPG .PDF .EPS OR .AI
Also in 300 dpi and resolution of 1875px x 1275px
Please email me any questions.


A postcard design is a simple work, according to the job description a full page of an image at a side, which is glossy and small slogan. Main focus for the whole postcard is the photo and a strong phrase or slogan. A nice photo according to the theme of the postcard need to be done. The secondary is the font usage, must suit with the theme and also the photo, which create a flow with it. Nevertheless, it’s a day job for the mock up, I reckon to have more time for a better quality but if they provide the material would be a lot easier to finish up in one whole day. I would say yes to this job because, it easy to execute.