Thursday, June 5, 2008



It is the science, art and technology of enclosing or protecting products for distribution, storage, sale and use. Packaging also a process of design, evaluation and production of packages. The purpose of having packaging is for convenience, portion control, prevention, minimization and reuse. Packaging is important for consumer goods, where it can protect the product, easy to open and usable, stand out to differentiate other product on the shelf and according to consumers appeal. There are three kind of model, which can be apply into packaging:

Aesthetics packaging is more to the look. Design wise, packaging must be easy on the eye of people who see it. The colours, fonts, design features, info of product must not complicate and the main purpose to make it stand out. The problem that can occur is when some design shows a difficult to read typefaces and small type sizes because producing a product may guide with the target market, which it is not suitable for older people to read. In some cases, the lack of visual direction will give a bad impression and weakest point of the packaging. It must be clear and precise enough for all readers. The best example for packaging is Apple product, where they concentrate on clean look, so it is effective and influences people to take a look on the packaging

In the business world, marketers who sells product definitely use packaging for their stuff. The reflection is the third model of packaging, where a good brand for example iPod as a MP3 gadget, will be adopt by other competitors to give a great competition. The reason of doing it is because a good brand will have their own trademark, to remind the consumer of the brand, where people can recognize each product from that particular brand. Coca-cola is the best answer of all products in this world. They have a strong identity of their own.

The second consideration after aesthetics is usability. If the packaging has a brilliant design, images, colours and fonts, it just a waste if the package couldn’t be open in proper way. Designers must consider the results of making difficulties of the packaging, so to avoid the mistakes; a proper sketch and measurement might help while a mock up to ensure the effective packaging.

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